12 Aug
7 Habits of Outstanding Leaders

Would you like to become an outstanding leader? Use this checklist as a reminder of the important leadership-building skills you can develop on your personal development journey.


For best results, focus on developing one habit at a time. Once that habit is ingrained, then start developing another one. Remember to always leverage your strengths and make small adjustments to improve your areas for opportunity and  growth.


Your journey to great leadership has begun!


   1. Make your bed

○ Establish a morning routine that gets you ready for your day

○ Establish a nightly routine to sleep soundly and prepare you for the next day

2. Act according to your values

○ Clarify your values

○ Make decisions based on your values

3. Be creative

○ Write - daily journal or Morning Pages

○ Make something new

○ Be flexible -  let go of expectations and keep an open mind

4. Practice mindfulness

○ Practice mindfulness meditation - focus on your breath

○ Make time for mindfulness activities, like painting or nature walks

○ Integrate mindfulness into your daily routines

5. Trust others

○ Delegate

○ Empower your team

○ Encourage innovation

○ Give direction

6. Be authentic

Live according to your values

○ Practice compassion - for yourself and others

○ Communicate clearly: listen, pay attention to your body language, understand what you need to communicate

7. Exercise

○ Mental health: do exercises that lift your mood

 Physical health: do exercises that build your strength, fitness, and discipline

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